Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Super Hero #3: Superman

First thanks to Evan over at Super Villians Rule for joining in hero blogging. Check out his cool site.

This weeks super hero is Superman. Superman is the man of steel. The only thing that can hurt him is cryptonite. My favorite super power of Superman is flying. He has laser vision that can melt anything. He can also see through walls with his x-ray vision. He also can hear very well. I think Superman has the most powers of any super hero.


Tim said...

Superman is awfully cool, that's for sure. I've always been confused about his girlfriends, though. Lois Lane and Lana Lang are both around messing things up in my book. Do you think he's better off without them?

Unknown said...

I'd love to be able to fly, too. It would make things so much quicker. And my friends would really be impressed. Where would you fly, if you could?

spaguyswife said...

Hey Li'l Red, Happy 8th Birthday! Hope you're having a great day!