Sunday, October 18, 2009

Super Hero #10: Optimus Prime

Hello everybody welcome to Super Heroes today. Sorry about the poll we forgot to put a new one up. This week we picked Optimus Prime because the new Transformers 2 comes out this week on DVD. Optimus Prime is a transformer, but you knew that, he is the leader of the group and is a semi with flames on the side. Optimus Prime battled Megatron in the last movie and killed him but with a glimpse of this video you will see he is not dead. Optimus Primes power is to transform and he has a sword, but no guns. If you are looking for guns you might want to vote for Bumble Bee on the poll ;) Check out the movie this week and tell us what you think of it, and as always vote in the poll!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Super Hero #9 Ironman

This weeks super hero is Ironman. He has power energy in his chest that runs his suit. He doesn't really have super powers but he sure acts super. His suit gives him the power to fly, shoot bullets and strength. Make sure to watch the video of Ironman, Spiderman and the Hulk. At the poll we will have a mystery person. If you vote for them you will see a special video and review.

If you were going to go as a super hero for Halloween what would you be?

Video (sorry we couldn't embed it)
Spiderman Hulk Ironman CGI movie

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Super Hero #8 Wonder Woman

Welcome back to Super Heros Today. First thanks to the podcasters who played my promo. This weeks super is Wonder Woman. Her super powers are super strength, super speed and flying. She has a golden lasso as a weapon. Wonder Woman has bracelets that she can block bullets with, but she is not indestructible so if you dropped a bomb on her she'd die. Her advantage against that bomb is super speed. She is 2,000 years old because she doesn't age like a regular human does. Her secret identity is Diana Prince.

See you next week and remember to vote at the poll to pick the next super hero. If you have an idea for a hero in the poll let me know.