This weeks super hero is Spiderman. He is my favorite because he can climb walls. Peter Parker got his powers as Spiderman because he was bit by a spider and it changed his DNA. In Spiderman 2 the movie he lost his powers because he didn't believe in himself. When he believed in himself his powers came back. In Spiderman 3 the symbiont is kind of goo that needs to bond with a host to survive but it makes you bad.
Nice job young Padawan learner. Is Spidey your favorite super hero? What superheros do your family member like?
Hope to see more post soon!
Very nicely done! Now which super hero do you see yourself as, and which ones for the rest of your family?
Keep it up, you are doing great! Follow in your parent's footsteps!
I've always liked X-men, but I identify with Spidey. He's all about juggling responsibilities, trying to be in 2 places at once, and so often tries to do the right thing, and it blows up in his face & makes everyone mad @ him.
Story of my life.
Thank you for finally giving spiderman his dues. He is my favorite super hero. How can he not be.... he can fly throught the air using spider webs attaching to buildings! Great job on your first blog and good luck on continuing it. Oh ya... would Might Mouse be considered a super hero? I sure would like to have you do some research on Might Mouse and maybe blog about your findings. He is so under rated. Again, great job.
Cool blog, Luke.
Spidey rocks!
Great work L'il Red! I can never decide which super hero is my favourite because they can all do so many cool things.
Which Super Hero do you think your sister is most like?
Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing many more posts from you.
Spiderman rules with the web slinging and the amazing strength and the spidey sense... how cool would that be to know when your sister is about to clobber you for doing nothing seconds before. I think that would rock!
Great job on the blog!
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